A new policy came into force about the CE marking fire rated exterior doorsets from the first day of November 2019. It is the best suitable time to discuss about this new regulation and what it means for both door producers and suppliers.
What is the CE Mark?
The CE Mark is an authorized mark which is widely used all through the EU. This is declaration from the certified manufacturer that every product meets the minimum safety, health and environmental needs which let it to be sold in any member state of the Europe.
What is the significance of the CE Mark?
There is a necessary for the CE Mark for the outside doorset to the EN 14351-1 since the first day of July 2013. Individuals who place the complete doorset on the market require this certificate. There is a responsibility for the overall doorset which is supplied as a warranted tested whole unit.
Every doorset has to be third party tested in order to get the CE Mark. The continuous doorset manufacturing must be properly audited to double-check that they comply with the overall external door regulations in the EN 1435-1. This certification ensures that every customer that a qualified team has evidence to prove that every door conforms with the EU regulations.
The complete testing measures the doorsets for the water tightness, air leakage, thermal transmittance, resistance to the wind load, impact resistance and acoustic performance for doorsets with glazing and the complete ability to exit all devices on the emergency escape doors for releasing and declarations on the radiation properties and also harmful substances. EN 1435-1 also lets tests for the voluntary door features that may show additional performance features like strength and durability tests.
Be aware of the new regulations
Every external doorset has to be CE marked to EN 16034 and EN 14351-1 from 1st November 2019. This rule is necessary for every outside fire rated doorset. EN 16034 involves the complete tests for the external doorsets with the fire resistance and or smoke control features. This element cannot be used on its own for the purposes of the CE marking. It has to be used along with the EN 14351-1 and its entire performance is declared on the declaration of performance and CE Label attached to the doorset.
EN 16034 was first published in October 2014. On the other hand, this entity did not become the harmonized standard for use as the evidence of the CE mark until November 1, 2016. There is a co-existence period with every new standard where a member states that current standards run besides the new standard and this existed until November 1, 2019. SIA Kurz complies with the new regulations. Everyone is advised to check that door supplier complies with the new regulations.